5 Ideas for a BEAR-y Merry Teddy Bear Picnic

July 10, 2018
5 Ideas for a BEAR-y Merry Teddy Bear Picnic

It’s a lovely day for a Teddy Bear Picnic! And it’s so easy to throw your own—all you need is a blanket, books, snacks, and, of course, your favorite snuggly friend.

Take your teddy bear on a trip to the nearest park or spread out in your own yard for some fun in the sun. No matter where you are, these ideas are sure to make your Teddy Bear Picnic the best one ever!

The Guests

Without teddy bears, it would just be a regular picnic. So, first things first: the guest list! Make a space for your friends outside by spreading out a blanket on the grass. Invite the little ones to bring out their favorite stuffed animals to join in the celebration.

Philbin Teddy Bear Plush Cozy Elephant Plush Fresco Polar Bear Plush Jirra and Joey Kangaroo Plush


Draw a picture of your picnic, fill out a coloring page, or make a make a teddy bear mask for yourself.

Teddy Bear Coloring Page - Forest SceneTeddy Bear Picnic Coloring Page - Tree House

Story Time

Now that you’ve gathered your guests, it’s story time! We recommend sticking to books about bears to go with the theme. Here are some of our favorites:

On the Night You Were Born Disney's Pooh Loves You More Bears! God Gave Us You

This is a great opportunity for growing readers to practice reading aloud. Teddy bears make the perfect audience!


You’ve probably worked up an appetite by now. Time for a snack break!

  • PB&Js – Make them special by using a teddy bear cookie cutter on the bread. You can also decorate them using mini chocolate chips for eyes and noses.
  • Berries – Drizzle them in honey to make a snack that Winnie the Pooh would love!
  • Ants on a Log – A celery stick, a smear of cream cheese, and a few raisins make a human-friendly version of a real-life bear treat!
  • Gummy bears, Teddy Grahams, Honey-Comb cereal, and Goldfish crackers are tasty handheld snacks, too!

Teddy Bear Dance Party!

Click here to listen to “Teddy Bear’s Picnic,” “Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Turn Around,” “The Bare Necessities,” and more!

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