Posts tagged 'Sandra Magsamen'

March Book of the Month: I Love You Honey Bunny!

March 17, 2017

Spring is officially just a few short days away! We can't wait for it to finally arrive with its warm breezes, blooming flowers, and playful little bunnies!

To celebrate springtime, March's book of the month is… I Love You Honey Bunny!

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January Book of the Month: YOU!

January 13, 2017

January Book of the Month: YOU!

Each month we're going to highlight one of our favorite personalized books and how you can incorporate it into conversations happening at your house.

For many adults, January is a time filled with thoughts on self-improvement, with their "new year, new you" mindset in full swing. With all of this talk of change happening around little ones, it's the perfect opportunity to tell your child that they're perfect just the way they are!

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The Heart of Christmas by Sandra Magsamen

December 2, 2016

The Heart of Christmas by Sandra Magsamen

Written by author Sandra Magsamen.

When I was a little girl on Christmas mornings, whichever sister woke up first would wake up the other four sisters. We then lined up at our parents' bedside to wake them up so we could all see if Santa had come. My father would rub his eyes, pull his legs out of bed, and put his feet on the cold floor to begin his journey downstairs to check. My mother wrapped her robe around herself asking, "I wonder if Santa came?" My sisters and I were firm believers in Santa. When my father finally hollered from the living room, "OK, you can come down now," we all ran down the stairs, thrilled to see the lights twinkling on the tree and the mounds of brightly colored packages. We would each pause for a second to take in the magic of the moment.

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How to Bring Magic to Life: Sandra Magsamen Shares Some #BookMagic with us

November 20, 2014

Sandra Magsamen Personalized Books

I believe that magic happens all the time and everywhere. There is magic living in every moment. The secret to seeing magic is to simply look for it.

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