When you find the perfect Put Me In The Story gift, you are discovering a brand new way to connect with the special people in your life. Many of our gifts can be personalized with a name, but nothing makes a gift more special than sharing the words that come straight from your heart. The heartwarming dedications below will show you how to use the perfect words to celebrate a loved one, capture a special moment, or give a smile just because.
For Baby's First Christmas
"Hayley, you are the most precious gift of the season! We know that you will fill our lives with the joy that we've been waiting for."
"Continue to celebrate God's blessings today and forever Baby Kennedy. So many years of happiness will come!"
"Here's to more silent nights this year. Merry Christmas little one!"
Christmas Gift for a Boy
"Have a blast this Christmas, Christopher! I hope this makes you laugh, smile, and remember just how much I love you!"
"Hunter, have a holly jolly holiday!"
"Cooper, I hope you have the best Christmas ever! Laugh, eat, and play all day!"
Christmas Gift for a Girl
"We filled your stocking with something awesome because you fill every day with so much love. Merry Christmas, Amber!"
"You're sweeter than milk and cookies, Angela. May your holiday be just as sweet!"
"Sending hugs, happiness and love your way for the holiday and for always. Have a holly jolly Christmas, Brandy!"
For The First Birthday
"Jordan, you've accomplished so much in one year! May you grow stronger, brighter, and sillier with every birthday. We are so blessed to have you!"
"I can't believe that you aren't a baby anymore. Welcome to the big kid club, Danielle!'
"Time flies when you're the most wonderful little boy ever! Enjoy yourself, Thomas."
For A Baptism
"Baby Ryan, may you know His touch in your hands and His love in your heart, today and always."
"Camille, I hope you and your family cherish the joy, love, and peace that today will bring!"
"We love celebrating such a marvelous occasion with you. Here's to many more moments of everlasting grace!"
For An Achievement
"Is there anything that you can't do? Congratulations, Courtney! We know that you worked so hard for this moment."
"Hooray! You've made it to the big day, Elena! There's no telling what wonders are coming your way!"
"Wow, talk about a success. Congrats on this big step Brian!"
For A Creative Person
"Everyone was created to create something beautiful. Mariah, you make me so happy and I can't wait to see what else you make!"
"Natalie, don't let anyone dull your sparkle. Fill the world with glitter!"
"Joseph, everything you make is a masterpiece. How does it feel to be so cool?"
For A Friend
"Joshua, thank you for always being there before I knew I needed it."
"Friends make the world a little lighter, a little brighter, and a whole lot more fun! Sophie, I just love being your BFF!"
"Continue to sparkle and shine girl, that's what we do! Love you!"
For A Spouse
"James, you make me happier every single day and I can't wait to spend forever with you."
"Sarah, every moment with you is the 'good part'. Enjoy your day."
"As I look into the past and the future, the only thing I see is you next to me. I love you Leah!"
For A Sibling
"You are the most caring, loving, and funny brother ever. I love you!"
"Cameron, this is even better than the last cookie. I promise! Sorry about that."
"Elizabeth, you are always my sister and forever my friend."
For A Parent
"Dad, thank you for always keeping my secrets and sharing your recipes. I couldn't have done anything without you."
"I'm proud to call you 'Mom' and even happier to call you my best friend. God couldn't have chosen a better woman for the job!"
"You've been such a blessing through it all. Always remember that I love you no matter what!
Every day, people are sharing special stories and spending special moments with Put Me In The Story gifts. The right dedication can make a precious moment and transform the perfect gift into an unforgettable keepsake. Find more ideas here for Dedication Messages.